Lectio Divina: A Look Further

Lectio Divina is an ancient Benedictine practice of reading and studying the Bible. 

Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read, meditate, pray, contemplate. 

After receiving a book on the St John's Bible this past year as a gift, I began to hone in on what this meditative reading of the Bible looks like for an artist. I've taken my form of meditation and translated it into visual representation for the viewer. I've written out the Bible and then painted the words that stepped off the page. Each individual page or painting has taken several hours to write on, build, sew, or paint. In this time I have been hopefully able to translate what I have learned from these texts to you as the viewer. 

My challenge to you would be to look at the painting to find the “something” or “story” that’s hidden. Look longer at the colors, try and read my scribbled hand writings and come to your own conclusion about the piece. Do the colors tell you a story better than the words do? Can the text change from many words to a backdrop of texture? Is that really what I think it is!? (Probably). 

Let the art surprise you, make you giggle, or teach you something.

All you have to do is look. 

Genesis Chapters